A short introduction
Model United Nations
Model United Nations (MUN) is an interactive simulation of the day-to-day debates in the various councils and committees of the United Nations. It aims to give students an opportunity to dive deep into issues of international importance, and understand diplomatic proceses.
Roll Call
Is the delegate of Luxembourg present or present and voting?
You represent a foreign country, get to know their positions, goals and political reality. You will defend their national interests, and advocate for their cause.

In committee
Motion to open debate
Learning how the UN works. During debate, we abide by the United Nations rules of procedure. With the aim of formulating resolutions, you will debate with fellow delegates and discover the formal world of international relations.

Making connections along the way
It's not all that formal. Socials are an essential part of any MUN experience. Meeting people from all around the world for a drink, a dance, some fun, and a great conversation.