Frequently asked questions
If you can't find the answer to your question here, feel free to contact us!
When is the conference?
The conference will begin on July 25th and will end on July 27th, 2024. More Updates follow soon
What does it cost for delegates to participate?
The delegate applications will open soon. More information will be provided soon.
What committees will there be at FREIMUN 2024?
We will have a great and diverse mix of committees for all levels of delegates.
Our beginner committees are:
(UNWOMEN) & European Parliament (EP).
Our intermediate committees are:
House of Representatives(HoR) & the Historical United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Our advanced committee is:
The United Nations Security Council (SC).
When will delegates receive their country allocations?
Country allocations will be made after the closing of delegate applications in July. You will receive an Email from mymun notifying you when you have been assigned a country. After you have been assigned, you will be able to see your allocation on mymun.
I have a question, who can I contact?
Feel free to contact us anytime! You can send us an Email to
How can I report allergies/food preferences?
Any food preferences or allergies not already included in your mymun profile should be communicated to the Secretariat by sending us an Email to
I won't be able to attend the whole conference, can I attend part of it?
Generally, this isn't an issue, but please Email us at to let us know.
Do I need to be part of a delegation to attend?
No! Individual delegates are more than welcome!
Do I need any previous experience to attend?
No, we have two beginner committees perfect for anyone taking part in MUN for the first time. We will also have a Rules of Procedure workshop before the Opening Ceremony to show you the ropes.
When is the deadline for applications/payments?
Updated soon.
Where can I get more info about MUN?
You can get an idea for MUN by checking out our What is MUN page. Anyone from Freiburg is also more than welcome to come along to our Weekly Debates (for free!) every Wednesday evening during the semester at 8 p.m. to check it out.
Can FREIMUN e.V. provide Visa support letters?
Yes, after all relevant conference fees have been paid we would be happy to provide acceptance or invitation letters. Please contact the Secretary-General at However, FREIMUN e.V. will not reimburse any travel or accommodation costs, and the participant remains solely responsible when it comes to obtaining a visa.

Further questions?
Feel free to contact us anytime and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can send us an Email to